Wings Over Israel is a flight simulation combat game developed and published by the company, Third Wire Productions. It features battles that were fought in the Middle East during the years of 1967 to 1982. Three wars are featured in this game namely, the Six-Day War which occurred in 1967, the Yom Kippur War which occurred in 1973, and the Lebanon War which occurred in 1982. Players have a wide variety of aircraft from which to choose including the F-16 Netz, F-4 Kurnass, Nesher, F-15 Baz, Kfir C2, and the Mirage IIICJ Shakak. There are also numerous types of AI aircraft that were derived from the same models used during that era. Some of the weapons used in the air combat sequences include bombs and missiles.
The game offers players several modes such as single missions, Instant Action, and full campaigns, as well as various levels of difficulty depending on the player’s experience in playing the game. The computer-operated fighter pilots are aggressive enough to ensure challenging dogfights for players. The aircraft models feature details that match the era in which they were used, both in the interior and exterior aspects. The full campaign mode allows players to experience any of the three wars, while the single missions provide random assignments to the players.