Penpower Handwriter Tool

Penpower Technology Ltd. (Bundled)

The Penpower Handwriter Tool is an application that makes use of Chinese handwriting recognition technology to provide users with the ability to communicate with the computer system by handwriting. It has support for different forms of handwriting input, including Hong Kong characters, Traditional and Simplified Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters, numbers, and symbols.

In addition, it also supports the Unicode system so the characters written in Traditional and Simplified Chinese may be easily displayed. Cursive writing can also be recognized and the program can also adapt to the user’s unique handwriting. Users can write continuously and the tool will be able to recognize a complete sentence because of its accurate character segmentation technology. This application comes bundled with the Penpower Handwriter device.

The Penpower Handwriter Tool’s additional features are the following:

• Character recognition – this application recognizes letters in English, numbers, symbols, 4941 Hong Kong characters, over 23,000 Chinese characters, Katakana, Korean, Japanese Kanji, and Hiragana characters.
• Phrase Forecast – this feature utilizes the “before and after” characters to assist users in correcting characters that have been written down. It also works as a predictive input system.
• Intelligent Writing Pad – the pad provides users with multiple input boxes that can be utilized for every other application the user is running. With this feature, users can easily insert phrases, punctuations, and their signatures to documents and forms.