UFEDDownloader is recognized for its widest coverage amongst the myriad of utilities currently featured in the mobile forensics market. This tool can extract data from around 8200 plus mobile devices directly onto a USB flash drive or SD card. The data is not stored within the memory. This advanced utility is the creation of Cellebrite Mobile Synchronization.
This utility has been featured twice in the popular crime television series CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. It has also been awarded the distinction of “Phone Forensic Hardware Tool of the Year" four years in a row by the Forensic 4cast Awards. UFEDDownloader has the following main features:
• Code breaking
• Decryption of encrypted data
• Acquisition of deleted or hidden data
• Analysis of phonebook contacts, SMS, and multimedia content
UFEDDownloader can extract data from PDA devices, GPS devices, smartphones, and tablets equally well. It is known to support a number of different cellular protocols such as TDMA, IDEN, GSM, and CDMA. UFEDDownloader has the capability to extract information from volatile and non-volatile storage devices. UFED Downloader has multiple language functions and can interface with Android OS, Symbian, iOS, BlackBerry, Palm and Windows Mobile. UFEDDownloader is a system that has limited availability. Only approved corporate firms and government agencies can purchase this program.