GraphWeather is a weather data processing program released in April 2013. The program enables users to render graphs for weather data provided by several weather stations. It supports weather stations like Vantage Pro, WS2300, WS3600, and WS7001. The program is likewise compatible with other WSWin32 weather stations. GraphWeather collects data by plugin system. IT utilizes two plugins—the main plugin and optional plugin. The main plugin tunes in to the weather station, while the secondary plugin supports third party systems.
GraphWeather is a graphing program that features customizable graphs using XML. Users may customize the titles, fonts, margins, textures, and axes. The program also comes with preset templates that may be utilized by users on their PHP or HTML pages. The GUI offers tabbed browsing support for simultaneous multiple chart setups. The program comes with FTP function for easier data transfer to the web servers. It also features HTTP Server functions for useful graphics and data generation. Data can also be gathered and processed in real time. The program comes with ephemeris generation. This enables users to determine transit, sunrise, sunset, and moonlight data for a current day. GraphWeather also supports image integration from various sources including local folders and even webcam images. The program utilizes animated flash in rendering gauges to provide real time weather information when embedded to a webpage.