Vue 10 xStream

e-on software (Proprietary)

Vue 10 xStream is a utility that is intended for animation, landscape modeling, and visualization specifically of natural environments in 3D rendering. CG artist who work at a professional capacity can optimize their outputs with the use of this utility.

Expert graphics artists can make use of high performance control features and animation to render any natural scenery in 3D. The rendering of vegetation in various environments by this program is especially vivid. Full scenery control is given to the graphic artist, making the process of creation easy, convenient, and virtually limitless when it comes to possibilities.

Vue 10 xStream is virtually a complete toolset. The outcomes are realistic natural settings that are rich in detail. Some of the techniques available for implementation are refraction, reflection, two-way mutual shadow casting, and GI. This tool is capable of convincingly integrating natural scenery in a number of different applications. It proves to be easy to use no matter what level of expertise the user has when it comes to operation and implementation of computer programs.

Vue 10 xStream is created by e-on software and works with program such as SoftImage, LightWave 3D, Maya и XSI.3ds Max, and Cinema4D. Vue 10 xStream is a 3D solution that works with standard manipulators to create realistic and detailed digital natural environments. Its applications include broadcasting, film, and architectural visualization, among others.