DC Universe Online (DCUO) is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role-playing Game released in 2011. The setting of the game is the DC Universe. Players generate their characters at the start of the game and they can choose to be heroes or villains. After creating a character, a mentor must be chosen. For heroes, the mentors available are Batman, Wonder Woman, and Superman. Joker, Circe, and Lex Luthor serve as the mentors for villains.
Users start either in Gotham City or Metropolis. The starting location depends on the mentor chosen by the player. The player receives game missions and instructions from the mentor. Additionally, players can also receive side missions from other mentors. The game interface consists of all the data needed to go through the game. The upper left corner of the window shows the player frame. Information included is the character’s name, health, power, and level. The enemy frame consists of the name of the enemy, health, level, and level. A mini map is also present on the window. This shows the position of the character and the location of all the enemies that are within the area. In addition, the area and quest objectives are also shown to allow players to see the tasks that they need to do to complete a mission.