Spot Collector makes up one of the eight DXLab Suite group of interoperable applications. It connects to six spot sources, captures DX spots to input to the database, and captures WWV spots. The capture spots include a maximum of four additional DX Clusters that can have access to telnet, a local PacketCluster through an AGW or TNC soundcard engine, and the DX Summit spotting network.
Spot Collector with a DX Spot Database can discard bogus spots, put together spots with similar DX stations, filter database through need, call, country, frequency, band, mode, continent and origin, color database entries by need, LotW participation, and by callsign matching, a plot spots on DXView's world map and on commander's bandspread.
Spot Collector displays color-assigned spots in the following classifications: red for unworked mode or band, blue for worked but unconfirmed mode or band, black for confirmed mode or band, and green for verified mode or band.
Users can easily double-click the database, map, or bandspread to QSY the transceiver, rotate antenna, and populate DXKeeper's capture window. It can also announce spot via a soundcard, track statistics by band and continent , and has a built-in web server for in-house spot distribution. Messages and announcement can easily be viewed on the window, including WWV spots (all parameters and SFI only).