Gamebiz2 is the second installment of GameBiz: The Magical Years, a popular video game. Players of the game assume the role of manager of a game-development house who is tasked to run the company and develop new game ideas. Players are given the opportunity to design video games and game consoles. The creation and release of game engines are allowed as well. The game presents players sales charts. This is where the “manager” sees comparisons between his own versions of the game and the real-life counterparts.
Gamebiz2 is generally about taking control of a game company. It falls under the economic simulation games genre. Players need to hire workers and invest in their training. Players also need to purchase additional facilities as well so that the company remains competitive in the computer game industry. The main objective of Gamebiz2 is for the player to earn a huge amount of money at the very end. This sequel has a number of additional features.
Gamebiz2 has three levels of difficulty, giving player ample chances to dominate the business of computer games. The games encompass around 30 genres across 60 platforms. There are about 20,000 real-life games that players can compete with starting from games released in 1979 onward.
This game is compatible with Windows XP, MS Media Player 9 and higher. It requires a minimum of 50 MB hard disk space.