Dora’s World Adventure is a children’s game based on the animated TV series Dora the Explorer. Swiper the Fox, the antagonist in the TV series, has stolen Friendship bracelets from different locations around the world. Dora the Explorer must bring back all the friendship bracelets and save Friendship Day with the player’s help. Players visit four different locations around the globe – China, Russia, France, and Tanzania.
In each location, users must navigate either Dora or Swiper and gather the bracelets on top of the blocks arranged on the screen. The game can be played with just the mouse. Players can click on adjacent blocks to move. On each level, there are also swipers that the player must avoid. There is also a timer bar at the bottom of the screen. After finishing each level, players are awarded with a stamp on the passport. Player must visit all the four locations in order to finish the game.
The left side of the screen shows the Globe, the Passport, and the number of bracelets. When the passport is filled with the stamps from the four locations, the game is done. Players can print out a copy of the passport with the stamps from the visited countries.