Beyond Good and Evil is a third-person action adventure game that follows the story of a female character named Jade. The player assumes the role of this female character who lives in the futuristic world of Hillys. This planet floats along a far-flung area of the galaxy, and features an eclectic combination of elements such as modern banking and communication methods, architecture inspired by the French countryside, and hi-tech spacecraft. Unfortunately, the once-peaceful Hillys has fallen under siege by a brutal alien race called the DomZ, which terrorizes the planet’s inhabitants by either sucking out their life force or turning them into slaves. The supposed protectors of humanity called the Alpha Sections are in a bitter struggle with the DomZ, but an underground militant group called IRIS is convinced that the Alpha Sections are in connivance with the aliens.
Along with her uncle named Pey’j, Jade looks after the orphaned children of Hillys. When her operation wipes out her funds, Jade becomes a freelance photographer, in which she takes pictures of the anthropomorphic species on the planet to be put on display in a museum. The IRIS network enlists Jade’s services in order to get more information on the Alpha Sections. While taking photos of the Alpha Sections’ activities, Jade witnesses human trafficking by the DomZ in the Alpha Sections factory. She learns later on that her uncle is actually the chief of IRIS.