Snark Busters: Welcome to the Club is a hidden object game developed by the company, Alawar Entertainment. The game’s story line revolves around a character named Kira Robertson, an adventurous and mischievous young woman. Her latest antic involves stealing a police officer’s helmet to fulfill a dare by her friends. As punishment, Kira’s father – who also happens to be the wealthiest man in town – makes her stay in her room and locks it up. Naturally, Kira tries to escape and soon finds herself in another world – one that is inside her bedroom mirror. She is recruited by a group of characters who are on a quest to find and catch the elusive Snark.
The Snark is a mysterious creature that has the ability to pass through mirrors, making it much more difficult to catch. Capturing the Snark requires the player to find the items listed at the bottom of the screen. Some of the items are only displayed partially, and the silhouette parts have to be searched in the given scenery. Once the player finds the pieces and the items are complete, they can be used to fulfill other missions in the game. Some items in the scenery can be interacted with to reveal other useful objects.