Brain Challenge is an educational video game designed to enhance the player’s mental acuity. Developed and published by Gameloft, this game consists of several mini-challenges that are sorted into Focus, Logic, Math, and Visual categories. The player is walked through the basics of the game by either of two doctors named Professor Stevens and Dr. Hurley. The game offers players three levels of difficulty, each with its own set of puzzles that are unlocked as the player advances in the game. In addition, there are two modes – Test and Free Training – that allow the player to customize his/her playing experience. In the Test mode, the games’ level of difficulty adjusts on its own depending on the player’s overall performance.
Additional modes are available in the gaming console versions of Brain Challenge. These include the Creative mode, which allows users to play at their pleasure without time limits or distractions. In the aptly named Stress mode, multiple distractions are hurled at the player simultaneously to challenge his/her concentration. Younger players have their own mode called Kids mode, and the Personal mode features an Artificial Intelligence coach that guides the player through the games. The game also offers multiplayer modes that come with levels that need to be unlocked.