Pageant Princess is a time management game developed and published by the company, iWin. The game’s plot revolves around a young woman named Bess, who gets fired from her job as a waitress after being employed at the restaurant for 15 years. She meets her friend Florette for lunch and they talk about Bess’ return to the pageant industry. Since Bess needs the money to support her family, she obliges and starts her new career as a pageant organizer.
The challenge starts as soon as soon as the beauty contestants enter the dressing room. They come with anywhere from three to five stars, which indicate their level of satisfaction. It is Bess’ job to pamper them with facials and make up their faces. The next step is getting them dressed and styling their hair. Manicures and pedicures are optional, but Bess must give them some accessories before sending them off to the pageant. Bess and her daughter Babs must then clean up the dressing room before fixing up the next contestant. The first pageant venue is a Seattle mall, but it upgrades to a television studio later on. The diverse selection of contestants includes Southern belles, cheerleaders, smart cookies, and aristocrats among others.