Manga Studio 5 is a software program that enables professional and amateur manga illustrators to design and draw comics. It is developed by the Japanese graphics firm Celsys and published by Smith Micro. Apart from general graphics functionalities, this program contains features that specialize in comics and manga creation. Some of these tools include ones that allow users to make sketches, create panel layouts, color the illustrations, apply textures and tones, and add speech balloons and bubbles. Through this program, users can also import 3D designs as well as create bitmap and vector art. Comics and manga designs are rendered through the use of a graphics tablet or a regular mouse.
The simple and streamlined user interface makes it easy for users to create their stories from scratch. For importing files, supported devices include JPEG, DIB, and TWAIN, while supported file types are CPG and CST formats. First-time users can set the program to Beginner mode so that they can start the comics-creation process with minimal difficulty. Other notable features of this program include various filters, layer creation tools, drawing and painting implements, and the ability to embed text content. Actions can be undone or redone, and pages can be added, inserted, deleted, flipped to different angles.