The Cessna NAVIII G1000 Trainer v8.01 is a simulation program developed by Garmin that recreates and simulates the behavior of the Cessna G1000 plane system interface. It provides users with a safer and controlled environment that enables them to learn the basics of how to operate the Cessna plane system. This simulator runs on Windows operating systems, particularly Windows 7, Windows 2000, Vista, and XP.
This version of the Cessna simulator features an improved interface that makes use of integrated Intel graphics controllers. It also has support for dual computer monitors for better viewing. Its flight modes are controlled by an autopilot system developed by Garmin. The program interface displays the simulator’s flight controls that enable users to use the flight controllers such as the rudder paddles and the yoke.
The Cessna NAVIII G1000 Trainer v8.01 is also equipped with the Garmin FliteCharts and the Garmin SafeTaxi features. The FliteCharts enable users to see and examine the official approach charts to assist them in their flight simulation. The SafeTaxi feature lets users see the airport information in detail on their moving map so they can determine which way to go as they taxi down the simulated runway. Users can also see and insert airways into their own flight plan using the simulator’s airway interface.