PowerStudio Scada Engine Manager is a utility intended for monitoring installation of power lines, getting access to real-time information about consumption and power lines status, and ascertaining optimal usage of the appliances installed by ensuring proper usage. This application provides users critical information in ensuring that the parameters of the devices which are interconnected are consistently monitored.
This program is specifically designed to integrate CIRCUTOR equipment and oversee management. This utility works with signal processing equipment, automatic load control by relays, and multifunction energy meters CIRWATT, among others.
PowerStudio is an application that provides users with accurate first-hand data about installations in low and medium voltage. To facilitate supervision of installations, this is a program that offers users with information from a number of different devices in one screen at any one time. There are also settings which give users the freedom to customize the display and the reports generated based on their needs and preferences.
PowerStudio Scada Engine Manager is effective and efficient at processing relevant data that serves as basis for making informed decisions. With the data provided by PowerStudio the appropriate corrective measures may then be implemented. The reports may also be used to plan and put into effect preventative measures.