Network Viewer Application Program can be used to collect websites. It provides users with the opportunity to surf the Web with greater freedom and flexibility. While a user of this utility browses online the collected websites can be viewed via different means, such as by priority, category, any three search words, or by the name of the website. The results of the search in the form of a table can then be added to the organizer database.
This program allows the user to view the HTML source code and extract the multimedia links for a website page. The websites can be saved with passwords in a separate table
When using this application, a person who wants to view a specific website can check out the table and select the site to gain automatic access to it. The list can be browsed with one click of the mouse. This utility allows the user to create numerous lists which can then be sent via email as zip file attachments or list attachments. Network Viewer Application Program offers users a comprehensive database with a wide range of functions.
Network Viewer Application Program can also import Internet Explorer Favorites to the database and in return web site page addresses may be exported to the Explorer favorites.