FIFA Football 2004 is a football computer game developed by EA Canada and released in October 2003. It is the eleventh game of the FIFA game series. It is also the eighth game that is developed in 3D. It is a football simulation game that enables players to control the football players holding the ball and even those not holding it. The game enables players to create a football team, choose their own players, add or remove players, and enter into battles to get the team up the ranks.
FIFA Football 2004 features an Off The Ball Control system that enables the player to control each member of his team, whether or not they are holding the ball. The user can call a jostle or a tackle, or command a player to run towards a specific direction. The game also offers formation technology, allowing players to set up player sub-units in groups of 2, 3, or 4, to act as one unit. The game also features a Career Mode with Player Manager tool. The player can build the team, manage the budget of the team, and promote specific players to attain an objective.
FIFA Football 2004 is available for single player, multiplayer, and online multiplayer game modes. The game is also released on several platforms including PC, Game Boy Advance, Mobile, and N-Gage.