
Calligra (Freeware)

Sheets is a spreadsheet application developed by Calligra and released on January 2014. The program is included in the Calligra Office Suite. It enables users to create spreadsheets with support for multiple sheets per document. The program also offers support for mathematical functions, charts, templates, document formatting, spell check, and data scripting with Ruby, Python, and JavaScript. The program features support for output files by other spreadsheet programs including XLS, SXC, Quattro Pro, CSV, dBase, and Applix Spreadsheet.  The program also features a KChart tool for creating and modifying charts and graphs.

Sheets features a grey user interface with the menu bar at the top offering options for File, Edit, View, Insert,  Format, Data, Tools, Settings, and Help.  The interface is divided into three: the left panel containing the tool bars, the spreadsheet editing window, and right panel containing the Add Shape, Styles, Arrange, Geometry, and Swapping tool boxes.  The spreadsheet window features a grid of lines with alphabetical letters at the top corresponding to Column headings, and numbers on the left side corresponding to the row numbers.  The bottom of the interface displays the sheets contained in the spreadsheet document. Users may add, rename, or delete sheets by right clicking any of the sheet tabs.

Sheets features several templates including Business, Home and Family, and General templates. Examples of Business templates include Balance Sheet, Expense Report, Invoice, Packing Slip, and Price Quotation.