StyleWriter 4 is a program that helps users become better writers by polishing their writing style. It is capable of assisting users in editing and proofreading business reports, advertising copy, newsletters, manuals, and even contracts. This application makes use of the best writing techniques to help users come up with text in a readable, clear, and concise style. With this program, users will be trained to work like a professional editor. It comes with a comprehensive set of editing and proofreading tools that are necessary in polishing any written work. It is a step up from basic grammar and spell-checking programs as it is capable of finding errors missed, such as misused words.
StyleWriter 4 has a number of notable features, including the following:
Individual and Corporate Customization Options – users can set their preferences and customize the application according to their existing style guide or house style rules. The style guide for academic journals, for instance, is different from what magazine publications use.
Jargon Buster – this application will highlight jargon phrases, acronyms, difficult words, and abbreviations to help users revise their text in a clearer, jargon-free style that will be better understood by readers.
Advanced Writing Statistics – this program comes with an integrated graded word list containing 200,000 words that users can base on to avoid mediocre words and phrases and become better writers.