This unassuming little alternative to the default Windows Notepad, called TED Notepad, holds many secrets. It has been dubbed by its developers as the “Swiss army knife” of simple word processors. Yet, when one takes a look at its user interface, one sees that there are no sidebars, no fancy buttons and no toolbars. It looks almost exactly like the default Windows Notepad. This makes one wonder where all the fancy features the developers boasted about are hidden. The answer to this question? Hotkeys.
Hidden away by the various hotkeys that the developers assigned are all the 312 text-processing functions that the developers boast of. Whilst this is tricky for newbie users, this program was intended for the more advanced PC users. These features include an advanced “search and replace” function. It works just like any search and replace function found on a typical text processor with added functions. Users can select text between two instances of a word or even search for two words at the same time. There’s a “multi-level” undo and redo function. There is a function to insert recently deleted text and many more. The little program is said to have so many features that the developers even said on their homepage that users will never get to learn them all.