Adobe Dreamweaver CS6

Adobe Systems, Inc. (Proprietary)

Adobe Dreamweaver CS6 is a web authoring application published by Adobe Systems. The CS6 version was initially released on April 21, 2012. The program is mainly used for designing, deploying, and developing websites and web applications for tablets, desktops, and smartphones. This version provides new and improved features, which aim to streamline the development workflow, deliver content to any device/screen, and create adaptive webpage layouts.

The following are the major changes made in Dreamweaver CS6:
• Fluid Grip Layouts – The CS6 version offers starter templates for fluid grid layout allowing developers to create flexible layouts.
• jQuery Mobile Themes – This version provides updates to the program’s user interface, which includes previewing, applying themes, and accessing mobile themes.
• Modified Live View – The Live View in CS6 offers more accurate and enhanced rendering of CSS3 and HTML5 codes. It also allows developers to manage and preview mobile and web projects just as it will look on a real mobile phone.
• PhoneGap Build Integration support – Dreamweaver CS6 offers developers the ability to package native mobile applications for various mobile platforms by integrating the program to the PhoneGap Build service.
• Real-time Multi-screen Preview – The CS6 version offers improvements to Multi-screen Preview panel, which allows developers to view up to three various screen sizes in real-time. It also enables users to run CSS3 and HTML5 codes in real time as well.

Other major enhancements and new features available in CS6 include Business Catalyst support, enhanced W3C validation, and CSS3 transitions.