Advanced Combat Tracker (ACT) is a program that allows the player to track and parse the game called Rift, including the tracking of an entire group of combatants and doing an offline parsing through a clipboard or archived logs. Tracking the whole group of combatants is done via the program’s default recording of everything seen through the program log file, which includes what the game had recorded. Offline parsing means using the History Database in the search and the import of specific encounters. These are from previous log files or having the program import entire log files via the program’s export format or through the clipboard.
Advanced Combat Tracker also features the program’s ability to allow the user to analyze combat in overview or in complete breakdowns. It has tables that can be configured in any way the user wants – as much or as few details as need be. Views can be simple data overviews or they can be broken down to solo action – specific combatants, type of action, specific skills used, and some other individual action. It can report these views for analysis and can export customized overviews via FTP (using ODBC) or using the Web interface for others (in XML exports, HTML, dynamic and static Web pages, files) without opening and running the program.