Amazing Adventures: The Forgotten Dynasty is a hidden object game developed by PopCap Games released on April 2011. This seek-and-find game is set in Ancient China. An unknown dynasty that supposedly got lost suddenly caught the interest of many when ancient tiles went up for sale in the black market. Amazing Adventures: The Forgotten Dynasty features 25 locations in Ancient China that players need to explore. These locations include the Great Wall and the Grand Canal, among others. Completing a location or a level gives the player a symbol that he may use to decrypt the ancient tiles.
Amazing Adventures: The Forgotten Dynasty requires players to find almost 2200 objects hidden in plain sight and scattered across 25 locations. The game screen features the Menu button to launch the Main Menu, Instructions, Options, and Resume. When stuck, the player may click the Hint button located at the bottom center of the game screen. The Hint button has a recharge time of 30 seconds and users are advised to use it sparingly. The Pause button is located at the lower right part of the screen. Users can see the current Symbol quantity at the top left portion. The game screen also shows the current mission, remaining time, and current level of the player. The number of items to be found and the current score is also shown.