American Chopper is a reality television program that was conceptualized and produced by the Discovery Channel. It focuses on the lives of father-and-son bike builders the Teutuls, and their livelihood, which is manufacturing customized choppers. Choppers belong to a large category of custom motorcycles. These machines are iconic, and well-known for their aggressive looks and performance.
With the popularity of the program came a video game that allowed American Chopper fans to ride and tweak top-notch choppers in a virtual environment. Different scenarios are available in the game. These are based on scenes in the Teutuls' workshop and the roads of Orange County, California. Players can choose to engage in gameplay using the characters of Paul Senior and Paul Junior. There are seven customized choppers that can be ridden by the players. Aside from this, players can also try their skills at chopper customization.
There is a game feature that allows players to choose virtually all components that go into their custom chopper. They can choose from a variety of wheels, forks, gas tanks, fenders, handlebars, paint, and other details. This ease of use and the game’s gradual learning curve allows players who have no real-life experience or theoretical know-how about the workings of motorcycles and choppers to play the game.