Autodesk Simulation is a comprehensive portfolio that encompasses a variety of simulation tools, which may be used in the cloud, on computer desktops, and on various mobile platforms. These simulation programs may be integrated into each phase of the engineering and design process.
Autodesk Simulation has capabilities to simulate motion, vibration, energy, mechanical stress, and fluid dynamics. Autodesk Simulation is useful in terms of the following:
• Predicting design performance in both regular and extreme situations to provide insights on risk of failure.
• Optimizing the design based on structural analysis and other measures in order to reduce cost and streamline the usage of raw materials.
• Creating high quality, high performance products that meet industry and safety standards.
• Avoiding expensive errors and validating all aspects of the design.
Autodesk Simulation is designed to give the user a compact yet comprehensive package that is affordable at the same time.
Autodesk Simulation covers the following areas: structural analysis, energy analysis, and whole building energy analysis. The brand also now offers a mobile app that engineers can use in simulating design ideas called Autodesk ForceEffect. All these simulation tools enable to user to better understand the implications of every decision made on an engineering design.