Blue Moon Animated Wallpaper is a small program that consists of an animated wallpaper. Users can change their wallpapers to this one from the desktop settings of the computer. This wallpaper displays a view of the mountains and a lake during a full moon. The moonlight makes the entire scene blue. The wallpaper has a relaxing atmosphere. There are also eagles that fly across the night sky. Other animations on the wallpaper include the ripples of water that play with the reflection of the bright moon and the mountains. Furthermore, the wallpaper also comes with a soothing sound that provides a calming feeling.
This application is easy to install even for those who are not computer savvy. Once the wallpaper has been chosen, there are no other settings to configure. The image portrayed on the wallpaper is high quality and realistic. Users can also download a matching screensaver from the developer’s official website. The wallpaper application can be enabled while the user is doing other computer activities. It can also be set if the user needs to take a break from work and relax. Blue Moon Animated Wallpaper is completely free and all the features are included with the package.