BootSkin is a Windows desktop utility program developed by Stardock Corporation. This program is used for changing the Windows boot screen for Windows 2000, XP, and Vista. The boot screen is the screen shown while Windows is booting. The program utilizes the boot-time device driver for accessing the display via the VESA BIOS Extensions. This allows it to change the boot screen without the need to patch or alter the Windows kernel.
The program’s interface provides three tabs – Load a BootSkin, Create a BootSkin, and About. There is also a help button with a question mark icon attached to it that redirects users to the help page. The “Load a BootSkin” tab provides context menu and settings for the available BootSkins. This tab provides users the ability to apply, preview, delete, and add BootSkins. There is also the View BootSkin Gallery link that redirects users to the WinCustomize website, where users can download more BootSkins. The other tab is used for creating a customized BootSkin using a graphic image. Under this tab, a user can specify details about the created BootSkin. Available specifications include Serial Number, Author, Email, and Title. A preview area is also available that displays the created BootSkin. Creating a customized BootSkin is only possible if the user subscribes to the Object Desktop Ultimate or Object Desktop Network.