Bratz - Super Babyz is an online computer game based on the animated movie of the same title, which features characters from the doll lone Bratz Babyz. The story of this game tells about how four Bratz Babyz became superheroes and how they use their powers to defeat alien invaders. According to the game, when the aliens landed on Earth, they misplaced their device called the Matter Exchanger. This device was used to turn the Bratz into superheroes, and each of the four babies was given a unique Super Power. Players must now help the superheroes in fighting the evil aliens by solving different puzzles and completing missions.
The characters and their powers are as follows:
• Sasha – super smarts
• Jade – super sticky
• Yasmin – super speed
• Cloe – super scream
Players can also choose to control all of the characters to make them fly. Among the missions given to players are stopping a bully, finding a puppy that has been lost, and catching a purse snatcher. As players advance through the game, they will get to unlock more of the game’s features, including multiplayer levels, minigames, new songs, still images from the movie, and even new outfits and accessories. Some of the minigames include Bumper Cars and the Haunted House Maze. Users can easily play the game using the mouse.