Brother Address Book

Brother Industries, Ltd. (Bundled)

Brother Address Book is an add-on utility, which allows users to keep a record of their contacts on a digital address book. Information contained in the Brother Address Book contains the contact name, fax number, and email address. Users may add individual contacts or put them in a group or a set under a definite name or number.

The Brother Address Book graphical user interface is a simple straightforward one. On the top panel are four buttons for Add contact, Add Group, Edit Information, and Delete contact. Below the top panel is the list of contacts entered into the address book. Their corresponding names, numbers, and email addresses appear alongside them.

Brother Address Book is an add-on to Brother PC-Fax machine software bundled with the machines. It lets users keep their contacts on a companion address book instead of using a third party application or program as address book. Before using the Brother PC-Fax or the Brother Address Book, make sure that the Brother Address Book is set as the Selected address book. Users should also input the designated address book file. These options can be found on the Brother PC Fax setup under the Address Book tab. When choosing names from the address book to where the message will be emailed to, users may utilize the search functionality of the Brother Address Book. Left hand panel of the GUI shows the current contact list. Right panel shows boxes for Business Message recipients and Home Message recipients.