Crash Time 4: The Syndicate is the fourth installment on the Crash Time series, a mission based driving game released in 2007. In this installment, players take the role of Semir Gerkan and Ben Jäger who are chasing a criminal syndicate. The criminal syndicate consists of members who are trying to rule Cologne. The gameplay is widely based on the German TV series Alarm fur Cobra 11 so the scenes and missions of the game is similar to the series. The two highway cops patrol the streets of Germany as optional missions while still in the lookout for members of the syndicate who will give them information about the hideouts and activities needed to bring the gang down.
Crash Time 4 has both single-player and multi-player modes. The multiplayer mode can be played by up to eight players online or up to four players offline in the Splitscreen mode. There are about 40 racecar selections that the players can use as they race around the road network of Cologne. The voices used on the game are of the real-life actors from the TV series, Erdrogan Atalay and Tom Beck. With this game, the players can do racing, shooting, cruising and tailing activities like real cops.