Crossword Maestro is a software program that has the ability to solve crossword puzzles and explain the answers to users. It is an Artificial Intelligence that can solve anagrams, serve as a thesaurus, and search for patterns in order to provide useful clues to the user. It can tackle both American-style puzzles and cryptic puzzles, and allows users to import crosswords in .CMO and .puz formats. It comes with a database containing more than 750,000 words and phrases, as well as roughly 5,000 anagram indicators. Crossword Maestro can also work side by side with the user on a puzzle like a co-player. The following features are described in greater detail:
• This program is able to explain the thought process in simple English, making it ideal for users who wish to tackle cryptic crossword puzzles, as well as those who want to improve their crossword setting skills;
• While solving a puzzle, words and phrases from the program’s database are suggested to the user;
• Apart from American English, the program also supports British English terms and spelling rules;
• Users can play in ‘Race’ mode to compete with the program in solving a crossword puzzle; and
• There is an informative written introduction to guide users in deciphering cryptic clues.
Crossword Maestro allows users to download crossword puzzles from the Internet and enter them into the program. They are automatically converted into a format that is compatible to the software.