Dexter: The Game is a 3D action adventure game based on the popular TV series of the same name. It is developed by the company, Icarus Studios and released by Marc Ecko Entertainment. In this game, the player assumes the role of lead character Dexter, a forensic scientist who has a guilty desire to serve justice through grim violence. Since this game was released shortly after the end of season three, so the cases and scenes depicted in the game are derived from them. As Dexter, the player takes on cases and tries to solve them in order to track down suspects and kill them.
At the beginning of the game, the player watches a tutorial and plays with a guide to learn the mechanics of the game. Before killing a suspected criminal, the player must prove it by gathering evidence. The case featured in the tutorial is taken from the actual show – it’s the story of Donovan, the child killer. After finding enough dead bodies to prove his guilt, the player must use stealth to track him down and capture him. Other cases require the use of Dexter’s non-killing persona, so the player must be ready to switch to that. A journal is also available for the player to jot down important information and keep track of the cases.