Directory Lister Pro is used for listing or printing files that are saved on hard drives, USB storage devices, and CD-roms. The lists can be generated in CSV, HTML, or text format. When the files are created, different information can be included, such as the file name, file extension, and author of the file. For multimedia files, the song title, artist, album title, movie title, genre, and file format can be displayed. Columns can also be set for files from Microsoft Office. The program offers options for customizing the look of the lists to meet the preferences of the user.
The application’s interface consists of all the command buttons and options for generating the lists. The selected drive is displayed at the left pane on the main window. The folders and subfolders are displayed, too. All the options for generating the lists are located at the upper part of the window, while the directory list is displayed at the bottom part of the window. Some of the options are for the output type, HTML, column order, filters, and the overall display.
Here are the other features of the program:
• Automatic display of the directory listing in preview window
• Wide variety of configuration options for customization
• Program behavior options