DXView is on the other side of the interoperable eight applications from the DXLab Suite family developed under AA6YQ. Its main function involves presenting a world map and lookup (search). Under Lookup, users can enjoy searching the world map by Prefix, IOTA Tag, grid, latitude, or longitude. The world map displays five different categories at once: Beam heading, solar terminator, auroral zone boundaries, DX Spots, and VHF QSOs.
It also captures local time figures for a specified country, provide sunrise and sunset time forecast for the next 30 days, and participation in the Logbook of the World. Its commands align the following rotator controllers: Alfaspid, ARSWIN, Idiom Press , Green Heron, Health, Hygain, Prosistel, DCU-compatible, LP-Rotor, N1MM Rotor, Yaesu, and many more.
DXView supports two antennas and displays real time data on a world map. This includes solar position, spotting rotations and signal paths, and spots captured by DX Spot Collector. It also shows boundary overlays for CQ Zones, continents, Regions, and ITU Zones. The double-click function works in four different ways when done on the map. First, it sets the program’s present location to the nearest location, sets transceiver to appropriate frequency, initializes log-entry, and prepares for one-click QSL route queries.
Not only can DXView display world maps, but it can also show individual country maps. It also does automatic translations when the native language is set to different mother tongues such as Norwegian, French (Cameroon), or Italian (The Vatican).