ExpressFiles is a download manager program that allows users to search for files from the Internet and download them directly to their computers. The interface is simple and has all the tools needed for downloading content from the Internet. Searching for downloadable content online is easy, since they are sorted into categories, such as latest downloads and most popular downloads. Users can browse files according to categories, too. There are movies, TV shows, games, software, music, and others. Looking for specific titles can be done on the search field provided. Clicking on the ‘Download’ button starts the downloading process. Users can monitor their downloads on the ExpressFiles window. When the download is interrupted, it can be resumed by clicking ‘Resume’ on the menu. The downloading will continue on the point where it stopped.
Download files appear in separate windows when several files are downloaded at the same time. Users have the option to hide all the download windows. This places all the downloads in one window for easier management.
ExpressFiles is an application that can be used even by novice computer users. There are no settings to change. The download speed of files depends on the user’s Internet Service Provider.