FeedDemon is a Windows RSS reader developed by NewsGator Technologies, Inc. It was originally created by Nick Bradbury until NewsGator Technologies purchased it in 2005. It is specifically designed to allow users to read RSS feeds straight from the desktop. This allows users to browse website information without visiting them one by one. The program displays news items in a newspaper-like format. News items can be copied to clipping folders as well. The program is also capable of “watching” news items in RSS feeds containing particular keywords, which can notify users when an item of interest is available.
FeedDemon offers the following features:
• Reading Feeds – The program features News Bins, which is used for storing news items in a central location. This feature is also synchronized with the developer’s platform allowing users to read the news item stored in News Bins in other computers. Aside from this, the program also allows watching of embedded videos within the program. A Panic button is available as well for marking old items.
• Searching Feeds – The program provides various functions and tools for Finding RSS feeds including the Watch feature, which allows users to search for keywords as the news are being downloaded. After creating Watches, the program analyzes each of the incoming news every time the channel is updated. Searching outside program subscriptions by choosing a feed search engine is possible as well.
• Other Features – Aside from the RSS reader’s basic functions, the program also offers podcast tools that allow users to download audio files and copy them to other platforms.