Digital as they may be, computer files tend to pile up over months and years, creating clutter that can be quite overwhelming to sort and clean up. Software company Fenrir, Inc. developed a solution that offers help in sorting computer files, FenrirFS.
FenrirFS is an organization tool with features that make sorting easier. One of its advantages is its preview that allows users to see files without having to launch their respective programs or having to open them individually. This includes all types of files, such as plain text, documents, PDF files, images, audio, video, and more.
In addition, users can label files one at a time, or they can label multiple files at once by simply selecting them and then dragging and dropping them onto a label. Files dropped onto a tab are automatically labeled, saving time and effort in having to do so manually.
Moreover, the application supports keyboard shortcuts, and features stars and comments for files that users might want to mark or note. It also features archives and smart folders, as well as automatic filters, which greatly eases the job of sorting files into their respective assigned categories. Moreover, it supports manual or auto sync, and users can use a profile to synchronize different folders.