Fotosizer is a photo resizing application that supports batch processing. Resizing photos can be done in just three easy steps. First, choose the photos that need to be resized. Then, choose the sizes and settings for the photos. The last step is to start the resizing process. For the resize settings, the width and height of the image can be set manually. There is also an option for preset size. Other options are the destination settings, the output format, and the filename mask.
The program makes it easy for users to add photos to the resizer. By default, only the photos inside the chosen folder will be added to the program. By checking the ‘Include Sub-folders’ button, the sub-folders that contain photos inside the main folder will be included, too. This saves time when adding photos to the program.
In addition to resizing photos, the program can also add some effects to the photos. There are three effects included in the program: Black and White, Negative, and Sepia. The photos can also be rotated. The options for photo rotation are 90 degrees counter clockwise, 90 degrees clockwise, flip horizontally, and flip vertically.
Other features are:
• Change image quality
• Auto-save on exit
• Change print DPI settings
• Copy metadata after resizing
• Maintain aspect ratio