FrontLine REG CLEANER is a utility that removes errors from the computer’s system registry. It is able to scan and remove 11 kinds of registry errors to optimize the computer’s performance and make it run smoothly. Through this program, users will be able to remove not only the registry errors such as installer errors and slow program launching but also but the junk files stored in the computer as well. This boosts the system’s reliability, load times, and overall speed.
The program’s interface is simple and easy to navigate through, making it an ideal tool for novice and advanced computer users who want to improve the performance of their computers. The options are located on the main window’s left panel and along the top.
FrontLine REG CLEANER does a scan of the computer’s registry and will search for and identify errors within it. It can also defragment the registry and show users comprehensive scan results. In addition, it automatically finds a solution that users can either apply or overlook. Its other notable features are the following:
• Junk File Cleaner – removes junk files that affect the computer’s speed
• Complete Backup Facility – recommended before doing the registry scan as a precaution against corruption or loss of data
• Startup Manager – lets users select the programs that will load during startup. Users can disable unnecessary programs to quicken the boot up process.
This program has been discontinued.