HDDlife is an application that monitors the status of hard disks. It is also used for maintaining the system’s performance. The application uses S.M.A.R.T. (Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology) to provide users a warning whenever there are problems with the system. Monitoring is done continuously in the background to ensure that the system is running at optimum level. Another feature of the application is JustNow!, which displays the health and performance of the disk as soon as the HDDlife application is launched. There is no need to scan the system to view the information.
HDDlife does not only monitor the computer’s hard drive. It also saves power by limiting the system’s power consumption. Users can also adjust the noise levels of the system from the application’s interface. The AAM (Automatic Acoustic Technology) that is found in modern hard drives is the technology that controls the disk’s noise. The controls for the noise level can be accessed with HDDlife. Furthermore, the application is also capable of monitoring the status of external hard drives that are connected to the computer. This is especially helpful when a hard drive is used for backing up important information.
Information about the hard disk can be viewed by clicking on the program’s icon on the system tray.