IncrediMail PhotoMail Maker is an email tool specifically designed for creating email backgrounds using digital images. It lets users combine personal images with the built-in templates to create email backgrounds. With this program, users can decorate email messages based on certain occasions or events while being able to share personal images to other people. The program works as a standalone application or as a component of the IncrediMail software. When accessing the program from IncrediMail, users only have to click the “Open PhotoMail Maker” icon located in the New Message window.
The application’s interface is simple yet intuitive. The main window has two panes. The one on the left displays the built-in templates and the one on the right serves as the working area. To use the program, users must first choose from the available templates list. There is also a download button at the bottom area of the left pane, which redirects users to a website where additional templates can be downloaded. After choosing the template, users can now add personal images to the template. Users can adjust and edit the chosen images by rolling the mouse over the image then clicking the Edit button. Images can be rotated or zoomed in or zoomed out. There is also a shuffle button at the bottom area of the right pane. When clicking this button, the chosen images are shuffled. Created email backgrounds are automatically stored in the Letters category of IncrediMail Style Box.