Invictus Street Legal 2, also known as Street Legal Racing Redline, is a game that challenges players to move up the ladder of racers and eventually end up on top. They start off with a pre-owned car that they can repair using the bit of initial funds they have. They can then join races in order to win more money for further modification on their vehicles, and to gain respect and recognition as well.
Races can do considerable damage to players’ cars. These broken parts – which might include bumpers, engines, windows, and more – will remain on the vehicle until they are repaired. Street Legal 2 provides convenient garages where repairs and upgrades can be made, and players can continuously modify their vehicles until they attain the ultimate mean machine. Individual components are available, and players can create a vehicle that is both personal and unique.
As the game progresses, players have to defeat other clubs in order to take part in the Race of Champions, be recognized as top racer, and win a new car. But before that, racers have to overcome obstacles such as cops, crashes, and the four club levels with varying difficulty.
Street Legal 2 offers 16 cars to choose from, all designed and based on real life car models, but whose names have been changed.