J-Link Configurator

Segger (Bundled)

J-Link Configurator is a program that displays all the J-Link emulators that are connected to the computer at any given time. J-Link is a usb emulator that enables communication with a large number of other computer CPUs. When multiple J-Links are connected to the computer, the J-Link configurator is used to manage them in an organized manner. In the software's interface, it lists down all the connected emulators, as well as their current status. These include the version of  J-Link's firmware, as well as the number of CPUs connected to it. Disconnected emulators can be seen immediately when the status color has changed from green to red.

The J-Link Configurator is capable of modifying a J-Link emulator’s attributes when viewing from the interface. For example, the J-Link's name can be changed. Instead of a more generic name, it can be changed to a personal one for easier identification. The emulator's firmware can also be updated. The update allows the emulator to become more stabilized and secure. Additionally, the program can identify even the older versions of the emulator. Older J-Links do not display their serial number, therefore making them hard to identify in the interface. Furthermore, the program supports auto-connection of other J-Links. It immediately identifies newly connected J-Links.