KFK 3.15

KC Softwares (Freeware)

There are times when transferring data to different storage devices is not easily done than said because of file size. KC Softwares is the developer responsible for creating the KFK file splitter. Compared to other splitters this one is user friendly and it allows users to split large files into smaller clusters of data.

Because the KFK file splitter is able to provide data splitting features, its users can now divide data packs into smaller chunks thereby allowing them to transfer these to other storage devices with ease. A shorter amount of time is needed to send the files to and from different sources. Users also do not have to worry about file corruption because the application securely and safely separates the files by using pre-designated split points that can also be manipulated by the user.

The interface is quite simple as the user is asked to upload a file for division. There are options to cut files manually or according to the 60KB file setting of the program. The same application can also be used to generate backups of the original files prior to splitting to give the user an archive-ready data file which carries a smaller file size. An additional feature is available with the KFK file splitter and it is its ability to act as a CD and DVD burner program.