KompoZer is a web authoring program developed and powered by Mozilla Foundation. It is particularly designed for non-technical programmers. The program combines WYSIWYG editing with web file management. It features FTP Site Manager, which enables the user to browse the websites specified in the Publishing Settings. The sites can be viewed in a treeview manner, one-dir-only view or la Explorer’s folders pane. Filtering and showing files is possible as well. The program also features an extended color picker that is used for setting a color from its blue/green/red components or from its hue saturation and brightness.
KompoZer offers tabbed interface as well. With this feature, it is no longer necessary to open several files in different windows. All the documents are integrated in a single window. The program also features a CSS Editor used for creating stylesheets. This editor can also be used to manage the stylesheets already included in a document. The program is fully customizable as well. Users can customize the toolbar and choose which buttons will be displayed or not in the main window. There’s also the XUL-based interface used for editing forms and other form elements. A Cleaner Markup function is available as well for removing <br>.
Other features available in KompoZer includes adding XHTML Friends Network information, viewing block borders and carriage returns, adjusting row and column sizes and an automated spellchecker.