
Google, Inc. (Shareware)

Google LayOut is a 2D companion to Google’s SketchUp Pro application. It is used to create design documents, presentations, and dimensioned drawings from the SketchUp Pro models. It can be used to add dimensions, text, and other 2D elements to the 3D models. Changes made in SketchUp Pro models will be automatically updated in LayOut. Projects made using the program can also be shared with other people by creating printouts or displaying it as an on-screen slideshow. The program’s user interface is composed of three items – Menus, Instructor and Status Bar. The program’s features, tools, and commands are found in the Menus. Details related to the tools can be viewed by enabling the Instructor window and the tips and special functions of each tool are found in the Status Bar.

LayOut features Vector Rendering, which enables the use of vector lines rather than raster lines. There is also the Raster Rendering function. Using both Vector and Raster Rendering is also possible by enabling the Hybrid mode. The program also includes the Line tool, which is used for drawing simple and complex curves. There’s also the Measurements Field used to define precise values while manipulating items on a page. Editing path of entities made using the Line Tool, Arc Tools and Circle Tool can be done. Several Geometric Manipulators are also available in the application including rotate center, resize handles and more.

Other features available in this program include:

• In-Place Group Editing
• Export as Images
• Text Behaviors
• SketchUp Model Dialog Box
• Layer Improvements and more…