Letter Creator Application 2

IncrediMail, Ltd. (Shareware)

Letter Creator is an application that allows one to add designs to emails and create e-cards.  It allows a user to have complete control of an email’s visual design.  A number of customizations can be done to emails.  Background design and color can be specified.  Photos and other digital images can also be included.  Images that represent a user’s varied interests may be added. Special and unique email letterheads may also be created for special occasions or business.  With its editing functions, it allows for flexibility and creativity from the part of the user.

This application is an add-on to Incredimail and is accessible via the Incredimail Tray icon. Design can be applied to numerous parts of the letter, which are the Left and Right sections of the letter, the Header of the letter, the Footer of the letter and the Body of the Letter.  Once can apply 3D Effects which is another feature to these letter parts. Letter Creator is beneficial in creating business emails since they allow a user to create professional looking emails.  Contact information, marketing elements such as logos, important brand images, and promotional Internet links can all be contained in making an a business email.