Maxtor MaxBlast

Maxtor (Shareware)

Maxtor MaxBlast is an application that can manage disc drives developed by Maxtor. Disc Drives must be installed first before it can operate on the computer. When installing a Maxtor disc drive, the installation can be done more efficiently with MaxBlast. A wizard tool guides the installation process. The installation process includes creating partitions and formatting them. The application can even transfer data between disc drives. It can be used to transfer data from one disc drive to a maxtor disc drive. It is possible to migrate an entire data to the new disc drive. These data include files, applications, personal settings, and even the operating system itself.

When running Maxtor Maxblast, the application allows users to set specifications on program functions. This allows a wizard tool to automate the process. There are at least 4 things the program can do. Two of these is about image backup and recovery, one is about creation of a bootable media, the last one is addition and/or modification of a drive. After the user chooses, the program then asks for permission to continue. The program also asks what type of backup has to be made. Users have to select the drive that has to be backed up and the program then automates the respective process.