Musicsoft Manager is an application which allows users to create a backup for their MIDI. The backup can either be from the digital musical instrument to the app or from the application to the instrument. MIDI or Musical Instrument Digital Interface is a technical standard which allows several devices to connect and communicate with each other. Devices can include the digital musical instrument, computer, iPhones, iPads, and a lot more.
The backup process is done by connecting the instrument to an iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad and using the manager to create the backup files. Aside from backup, Musicsoft Manager also has data management and file sharing capabilities. Data management includes changing filenames and categorizing the MIDI files according to user preferences. File sharing capabilities are supported by the use of Dropbox and the iTunes file sharing feature. Dropbox is a free online storage service, while iTunes is a multimedia library application which contains a playe. These applications allow the two-way transfer between the computer and the MusicSoft Manager application. The backup, file sharing, and data management functionalities can be done by first selecting either of the icons of My MusicSoft, Instrument, Computer, and Dropbox. After that, there will be simple steps which users need to execute to complete the process.